The ninth Annual Big 500 opens tomorrow night at the Ford Gallery. There are over 500 artists that participate and all artwork is the same size on 8 inch by 8 inch wood panels. I have fifteen pieces in the show but there are over 4000 pieces total available for sale! The show is hung saloon style and it's a cash and carry show. What that means is that you can literally take the art off the wall and buy it. Every piece of art is the same price at only $40. The one tip I have for this show is to go early! The best thing about the show is seeing all of the beautiful work hung together and seeing all the different types of art. The line is very long to get in and a mad house, but it is oh so worth it.
Want to see more artwork from the previous years? Big 500 //Big 400 // Big 300 // Big 200 // Big 100
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