I have teamed up with these really awesome and extremely talented ladies (August Wren, Courtney Cerruti and Meighan O'Toole) for a once a month painting challenge. We will be making a new piece of art each month inspired by a specific theme. These ladies are so crazy talented and they inspire me with their daily paintings, classes and passion for art. I feel lucky to be apart of such talent and if you need daily inspiration I highly suggest following each of them.
We will be doing this painting project for the entire year of 2016 and we want you to join us! On the 15th of every month we will be announcing the next months challenge and posting our own work, but you can post any time! and work at your own speed.
I think I am more excited to see what everyone else makes versus my own. This is also a great way to start the new year of making art. yay!
Use the hashtag #12monthsofpaint and the theme for January is Blue
Use the hashtag #12monthsofpaint and the theme for January is Blue
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