Art Love: Rachel Baran

Rachel Baran is a photographer based in Ohio and she's only 20 years old. Her photos have the ability to immerse you into her world or I should say more like a rabbit hole, where everything is a little out of the ordinary and you don't know what is going to happen next.  Her ability to make the impossible possible is quite extraordinary.  

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Christine D. | The Plumed Nest said...

wow, only 20. i went to the pdx art museum this weekend and so many of the photographs i noticed were taken when the photographers were so young. i miss that youthful boldness and perspective, i need to dig for a bit of that, i know it's still there.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Some are kinda too dark for me (in subject not light) but I reallly like the beach one. Very talented photographer.

Sara Strauss {Sincerely, Sara} said...

These photos are absolutely stunning and so darkly whimsical!! Love them!

Tori Dickey said...

These pictures are so cool. I can't get over the first one it's amazing. Can't believe she's only twenty she's so talented!

Becca said...

Oh wow, these are gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!

Becca || Ladyface Blog

charity said...

Of course I like the glitter one. She is amazing. Ahhhh bees! Way cool picture though!

Kat said...

Wow, such talent at just 20. I just picked up a DSLR and am learning the ropes. I hope I can one day take pictures like Rachel :)

Eva said...

Amazing pictures!!

Lauren said...

And she is only 20! Oh my goodness, she is already so very talented! Thanks for sharing these photographs, I'm going to look for more of her stuff.
p.s, I really like your blog header!


Sarah Alway said...

Whoa these photos are amazing... I can't even figure out how that second one was done!!

Diana said...

These are fantastic images! So whimsical and inspiring! Thanks for sharing. :)

Angela said...

interesting! and beautiful. it seems like every time i come across an amazing photographer, it ends up being someone younger than me! how talented :)

brooke lyn said...

love these! so impressive.

Traci said...

Imagine the kinds of images she'll be producing 10 years from now!

Małgosia Frej said...

love it! she's so talented.

Mandy Crandell said...

Amazing! She has some incredible ideas.