A Tiny Bee Project #6 - Collection

This week's assignment was collection. The first thing that pop's into my brain when I think of collection is of that Little Mermaid song- when she is a mermaid and she is looking at all her treasures that she has collected from human ship wrecks like a spoon, a fork and a thimble. Do you remember that song? I am so going to get that song stuck in my head.

Well I have to say I am a collector! I love to go thrifting and to estate sales and auctions... I love a good hunt for old things.  I have learned over time to let myself collect a few certain things versus everything! because I secretly want everything. This is one of my favorite things- its an old Oliver typewriter #5 that mom gave me last Christmas.  I love typewriters- and I have about 4 now but I used to have a lot more.  This one is extra special because it's so much older than my other typewriters - it was made in 1909- which is crazy to think of something as over 100 years old and still works and types. I love it so much- and all I can think about it the letters it's written or the work it has made. I've also picked up some vintage wallpaper sample books from the 60's and those have been showing up in my sketchbook as well.

Do vintage things inspire you too?

Next weeks assignment is "Speckle". :) How ever you want to interpret it.

Feel free to check out and link up with 12 Oz Bee House

A Tiny Bee is a creative weekly link up.  It's a little creative club that links together every Thursday to share a creative project.  There is a weekly theme that is up to you to interpret and you can express yourself in any medium and there are no rules. Want to see past assignments? or Want to learn more? Want to share in twitter or instagram- use the hashtag #atinybee.

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The Olive Tree Blog said...

my grandma loves antique jewelry and i love to go looking with her :) !

emily duke said...

i have a collection of cloth napkins made from vintage material :] i could spend ALL day in thrift stores, so many treasures!

ps, love little mermaid :]

trishie said...

Oh yes, I remember that little mermaid song! I love thrifting and collecting vintage plates. One of my favourite little hobbies

Jessica (Coco/Mingo) said...

Gorgeous drawing!! I love vintage stuff - bottles, typewriters, cameras, and little knicks and knacks! :)

Emma Kate said...

Oh, I love this! I have always dreamed of owning a vintage typewriter. This is such a fun piece!

Frisda A. said...

amazing! youre so talented:D

frisda on t y t o a l b a

ALLIE NYC said...

Is this your illo it is adorable. Yes vintage finds are great love the history. I love to look at collect old photos.

Ali of Dressing Ken

Jane said...

i've been on the hunt for a vintage typewriter and actually saw one a couple of days ago.. i don't know why i didn't get it! kinda regretting. and oh my goodness.. do i know that song or what. one time i saw the entire soundtrack to the little mermaid when my husband was driving and was getting tired. i said i would amuse him and literally sang every song on top of my lungs and we laughed the entire way home. :) have a good weekend!

Kitty Cat Stevens said...

i love that you're a part of a collection that has weekly assignments! i feel like having little challenges like that really helps someone stay on track with constantly creating things. sometimes it's nice to create a collective group to maintain accountability!

Christine D. | The Plumed Nest said...

i love vintage. i have been collecting it since i was really small. and i want to cry thinking of the things i have gotten rid of in my "purging" and "stop being such a hoarder" days. oh, it hurts. but seriously where wold it all go? i found(!) a turn of the century underwood this summer on the side of the road. i love it, but boy is it heavy. have a great weekend! is anything happening in portland this weekend? xo

Outcast said...

Just amazing Erika, you always do so well and this is no exception!

Sian said...

I'm not really a collector. I throw away too easily but the only thing I do collect is books. Mainly art and animation books. My mum cant stand it when I buy used books. I'm like Mum it's a first edition!!!!

rooth said...

What a wonderful sketch - I can't believe you have four typewriters!