Things I Wish I Would Have Known When I Started Blogging

I've had this blog for a couple of years but didn't really start blogging on a regular basis until maybe about a year ago.  The main reasons why I started blogging was to keep track of my artistic journey through the art world, learn a little more about me and meet some new friends.  I have learned a lot about social media and am still discovering where I fit into it.  I started thinking that if I could go back in time and give myself a few tips on blogging what would they be.
1.  Be Yourself and Find Your Voice.  I remember that when I first started blogging and I would put a lot of thought into a blog post and I would out think myself. Blogging is a growing experience and just doing it on a regular bases you will naturally grow and find your voice and then you will figure out the things that you want to talk about.  Content is the most important thing about blogging- but it's even more important to learn how to deliver that content.. but be unique and talk from your perspective. 
2.  Stick to 1 subject per blog post. When I first started blogging I would talking about my whole day sort of like a journal post- but it's a lot easier talking about 1 subject per post and it's easier for people to get to know you.  So if you want to talk about lots of different things then do multiple posts- its just that easy.
3.  Make it easier for people to find you and easier for people to connect with you.   Even if you don't want to fill out your profile- fill out your URL and email address.  If you follow blogs with Google friend connect- click on your icon and you can add your URL to it.  When you leave a comment fill out all the sections- you never know who is going to connect with your comment.  I know when I read my favorite blogs I will click on other people's comments because if they enjoyed that post as much as me, we probably will have something in common.    
4.  It's ok to step out of your comfort zone.  I know that I am pretty shy person in meeting new people but I have to allow myself to be open to meeting new people. I think one of the hardest thing for me when I first started blogging is that blogging can feel like you are talking to the void.  Eventually know that people talk back, but sometimes you have to talk to them first :).


tinajo said...

Great tips - and it IS fun when you´ve found your voice because it´s then it all becomes more natural.

Took me a while too but since I´ve found my voice and began to feel how I wanted my blog, I´ve been posting more than ever because it´s no longer a strain. It´s just a wonderful outlet of the things I enjoy nowadays! :-)

Outcast said...

Thanks for the tips but I have to say I disagree about one topic being the best idea when it comes to blog posts. If people are bored by the one topic then they're going to be bored with the entire post which doesn't seem a good idea as when you're bored you tend to switch off to what people are saying and get to know them less.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blogging style, I don't follow a method, I just go with the flow. I'm impressed by your organization!

Eleanor at Mirror Of My World said...

agree with all of this :) xxx

Lost Cabin Vintage said...

Thank you for your insight. It is definately hard to find your voice,but I guess I'm like Bobbi, I am just going with the flow too, and hoping someone likes what I have to say :)

Kyla said...

Great tips! I'm still trying to find my blogging voice but I love reading blogs where the voice is clear. And great tip about always putting in your URL, I love clicking through new blogs via a post we both enjoy!

Shelby said...

Thanks so much for the tips! I'm new to blogging so these will really help me!:)

Jenna said...

Great post and really great tips too. Thanks for sharing some bloggy insight :) PS - I love that photo of you...your hair looks fabulous!

ashley marie wilson said...

all true... starting to blog can feel like a different world lol.

punkychewster said...

yay! i agree to ALL your points! i've also only started "serious" blogging about a year ago. but i'm enjoying meeting new friends like you all the time!

onesixthreechirp said...

That's definitely a great post! Great tips! Like this post so much:D

Anonymous said...

awesome tips :)

Kristen said...

Good tips! I enjoy reading your blog. :)

amyschmamey said...

ha ha ha. This is good. My blog post today is all over the place... but I also haven't blogged in over a week. I need to get back into my routine. I need to get back to blogging the way I used to :) Great post.

Mandy Crandell said...

Awesome tips!!/MandyCrandell

Anonymous said...

Great tips! There are soooo many things I wish I'd known when I started blogging about 7 years ago. Maybe I wouldn't have deleted all my old blogs if I'd done them right!

Selena said...

Great tips! I've a blog from a few month , I agree and I try to follow your tips.

Have a nice day!

lisa said...

This is awesome! I'm a new blogger and still trying to find my "voice" :) The comment links have been a great way for me to find new blogs, like yours! Thanks for the tips!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

GREAT post and fantastic tips! I could not agree more about being yourself and writing for YOU..that's when I actually started enjoying blogging. I def lost a few followers but who cares! The ones that matter like you for you and will stick around :)

Angela said...

Great tips! The one subject per post one - I need to work on that. You have a great blog and your personality comes right through...and I DO feel like you are talking to me :)

shannon*bear said...

Great tips, sweets! Once you find your voice and get comfortable things start to get super fun!

xo Shannon

JW | PEONY said...

appreciate the tips !

Melu103 said...

Hi love!

thanks for stopping by my blog <3

I love this post
this tips are always helpful
for new bloggers like me :)

kisses from california <3

follow me <3

kimbirdy said...

i completely agree! it took a while for me to find my voice too. i think that's just a process which everyone has to go through, it just takes less time for some. i also couldn't agree more with picking a topic for each post. the posts that are just recaps of the day are maybe interesting for that blogger's mom, but that's about it. and if the blogger wants it to be a personal blog for family and friends, that's totally fine! it's just not going to be the kind of blog that draws in the public. i think having an idea of who you want your readers to be will help a lot with narrowing down the content you should include in your posts.

Stephanie said...

These are great!!! I'm still trying to find my blog isn't exactly what I want just yet.

Heather Marie said...

Love this post! Thank you. ; )

lamina @ do a bit said...

Great post and great tips :) I totally agree with just being yourself... no point trying to be someone you are not hey :D

San said...

Those are good tips. thanks for sharing!

Cindy said...

great advice helpful to newbies and bloggers who have been doing it awhile, too.

Courtney said...

I really like this post. Isn't it nice to know that you are definitely NOT talking into a void? :) I think your tip on reading comments and clicking on urls that go with those comments is a great one. That's how I've found so many wonderful blog friends.

Christianna said...

These are so true! Thanks for making this list!

Rose Clearfield said...

Great tips for all bloggers! I'm not great at sticking to one topic per post and sometimes that's okay. I'll try to do a theme like "in the works" and talk about things I'm currently working on, even if they don't all fit together.

Jenn @ Live Love Life Now! said...

Love it! You have certainly found your voice and I love your mix of creative posts mixed in with the inspirational and educational ones...a great combo :)

Jenn xo

my day in a sentence said...

Nice tips! :)

Unknown said...

excellent tips.
i used to over think my posts and it takes the fun out of it eventually. now i just blurt it out with tweaking for sense and spelling. :)

ckscribbles said...

These are such good tips, I feel like most times my blog is so all over the place. I just wish I had more time to update on more things then just life!

Unknown said...

I loved your tips. I need to start doing some and keep doing others! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You're right, these tips are so great! And may I say, I'm so happy you decided to start blogging every day because I LOVE your blog so much! You are so inspiring and so kind, and I love your artwork!

karen marie said...

awesome post :) and thank you for #1, the reminder to be patient with finding one's voice. that was the most "worrisome" thing for me, but you are absolutely right. it shows up organically! xxx

Happy Little Trees Studio said...

Great advice!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful ideas! Thanks for putting these up.

Do you follow Seth Apter's blog, The Altered Page? He's been running similar postings about blogging.

amy said...

These are wonderful tips.

I like the title of your post, glad to find you :) x

hugs (^.^) hope to hear from you *

Gracey said...

Be Yourself and Find Your Voice -- essential! :)

Happy weekend! ;)

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the tips :) I'm gonna go and write another post now!!!!!

Chandra said...

Thanks for sharing the tips...I'm a newbie to the blog world and this
helps quite a bit. Love your art, by the way, and glad I found you.


kristina@beancakes ★ said...

these are some great tips, thank you for sharing!! it is definitely important to find your own voice and stay true to yourself!
xx ~ ks

Femke said...

These are great, thanks! Will be adding this to my next webfavorites post!

QP said...

I'm creeping around trying to find some ways to make my blog more user friendly and not so disorganized. :)