You & Me

Happy Monday! Did you have a super weekend? I am still out on my road trip with the hubs and family and we are having such great adventures.  I can't wait to share with you all my pictures- I have been snapping and all my little paintings I have been doing a long the way.

Don't you just love that quote above? It reminds me that there is only one me like me and only one of you like you.  I think we all get influenced by life on how we should be or should act and maybe even the green eyed monster comes out when someone else has a different set of circumstances then you.  Am I the only one who is a little jealous of the teenagers on my super sweet sixteen? :) or maybe even a little jealous when the rich and famous are complaining about the paprazzi but they still make a million dollars a year and get to live their dream everyday? Granted I don't personally know any famous people (will I did meet the guy from American Pie once in an airport like 10 years ago) and I don't know anyone who has ever thrown any of those over the top sweet 16 parties.   Whatever happened to you just being you? and me just being me? I think life is full of twists and turns and everyone has a story but isn't life about what you make it and all of the little victories in between?

 Maybe I was a little inspired by Dr Seuss! You know I can just be me and you just can be you. :) Happy Monday- stay inspired today.


The Dainty Dolls House said...

Love ut...Dr. Seuss is genious!! Have a great Monday flower!! xx

onesixthreechirp said...

That's great words! Like these words :)

Once Upon A Time... said...

thanks for posting this! i was having a really bad monday, i hate mondays (i enjoy myself so much during the weekends) - but this post left me inspired!

jos xx

~BB~ said...

Love this - I think it's such a perfect thing to hear on a Monday...I adore that quote (and Dr. Seuss)

Ashley said...

One of my favorite quotes of all time. :]

Unknown said...

i have a tendency to be envious of the person i might have been, or the life i might have had if i just x, y, or z.

but generally, i like being just me, it's all i've got. :)

Heather Marie said...

I've always loved this quote.

JW | PEONY said...

one of my favorite quotes.

happy travels, can't wait to see your pictures!

Unknown said...

i love that quote! Hope you're having a great time!

A said...

Ah, Dr. Seuss. What simple genius.

I'm so impressed that you're painting on the road!

stephanie said...

Excellent thoughts for the morning! I really need to remember this. :)

aki! said...

I think I'd like to add a sentiment to that. I'd like to be the best me I can be!

Hope you have a great rest of road trip!

Anonymous said...

I love Dr. Seuss! He's pretty much my role model. And these are important words to live by! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

S and O said...

That is such a happy quote :)
I love how cheerful and uplifting it is.

Kristin said...

E, I so needed to hear that today. Perfect reminder & put my day in a much better perspective, hope you guys are having a super fun trip!

Huckleberry Creative said...

A very good reminder indeed!

Hope you're road trip is going well! Can't wait to see photos!

Stephanie said...

I'm totally with ya on celebrities complaining about paparazzi! I mean, come on! :)

sherri lynn said...

Love this quote! Perfect for a Monday :)

MJ said...

Dr. Suess is definitely a fave, as is this quote :). The other one I love is "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind won't matter and those who matter won't mind."

Happy traveling!!

Janice La Verne said...

I love your blog. It truly inspires me! Tomorrow I'm off to Vermont Studio Center for a month and if I get stuck I'm going to make a point of reading your blog. Thanks for all the inspiration.

Katie said...

What a great quote! xo

Angela said...

The older I get the more "me" I become -- I like it!!

I know a guy who wrote a song that was in American Pie :) That's about all the fame for me except for meeting Amos Lee and Aubrey passing out in G. Love's bus a couple of months ago LOL

Traveling Distances said...

I love that quote too and it's so true! Hope you're having a blast on the road.

Wander.Lust said...

love the quote! very inspirational... hope your week is off to a good start :)

babalisme said...

O, what a great quote! My job requires me to meet with those over-the-top sweet-sixteen-girls. I'm usually designing their invitations and party stationery. If you got green eyed just by watching, try working for them :D LOL.. They're super divas and mostly hard to please. But I guess they're just being their normal state. As you pointed out, they are just being themselves :)

Jo said...

Thanks for this - I needed to read that. feeling rather melancholy at the moment and needed a boost! Hope you're having a great time :)

Anonymous said...

Love the pics on your blog!!!

Do you want to follow each other ;) ???

We're already following you!!!

Wherever the Sunset is

aguja said...

Will be inhspired by Dr. Suess - a great quote. And you are so right, Tinajo, that it is important to be our unique selves and that no one else can be the same .... as are snowflakes beautifully unique.
A great post!
Will be back commenting at the end of the month.
¡Hasta luego!

Mandy Crandell said...

Fantastic quote!!/MandyCrandell

Elle Sees said...

Indeed! And I had a great weekend. Looking forward to doing nothing this weekend, howevs

Punctuation Mark said...

great post... hope you're having a good one so far!

lamina @ do a bit said...

What a great quote! We all should be thankful we are who we are! Life would be very boring if we were all the same hey! Glad you having fun :)

Jenn @ Live Love Life Now! said...

I love that as adults we seek wisdom in one of the greatest writers of children's books :) But I think that's also genius since we tend to lose sight of the joy in life that we took for granted as kids.

Whoa, I went deep there for a minute!

Thanks as always for the inspiration and have a fabulous trip with the family!!

Kelly-Ann Maddox said...

I came to Dr Seuss quite late by all accounts.. He's not really big for kids in England. But now that I know him I've spent the last couple of years believing that he is, most definitely, a legend.

Tracey said...

You're so wonderful Erika!! You have a knack for writing the most perfect words that I most need to hear. Thanks for being you. xx

How lovely that you're enjoying your road trip ... I look forward to hearing and seeing all that you've been up to! :)

Aimee said...

Aw that's such a good quote, never heard it before, but will definitely keep a note of it :) x

SecretFashionLove said...

Love your Blog ;) Nice idea.

Love S.
Check out our blog

Anonymous said...

Fun! It's a Friday now...hope your week was what you had planned!!

Vale @ Fashion and Cookies said...

I like your post, life is a journey and we have to take everything as a lesson and never give up on anything ! Kisses and if you want I'd like us to follow each other !

Fashion and Cookies

Damar Rivillo said...

your right, this quote is soooo great... make me shook... thanks for sharing

Punctuation Mark said...

hope you had a great week and that you weekend is fantastic!

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Great quote!
Hope you're having a great time:)

Also, here's a little blog award for your lovely blog:

sara tardiff said...

i live right by the dr. seuss museum and i love the little quotes like this hidden around it!!/_saratee

steph anne said...

Love Dr. Seuss's quote! I'm jealous of those famous people who can do anything they want everyday. I'd love to be able to do that but I think it'd get old quickly. Maybe not, haha.

birdie to be said...

Love that quote... & post! And congrats on leaving a cube job. I did a similar sort of thing. So I completely understand how hard it is. Good for you!

becoming claudine said...

Fantastic! That quote reminds me a bit of Mister Rogers, one of my heroes, and how he always says there is only one person in the world like you. A wonderful thought isn't it?