a painting a day- in motion

I have always wanted to learn how to do an animated gif and I finally figured out how to do it!  Well...I didn't figure out how to do it- the hubs showed me how to do the gif magic! I married a smart one.. well he would like to think that he is smart but we all know I am a smidge smarter then he is.  :) I really wanted to do an animated gif on a time lapse of one of my paintings- I think next time I am going to try using the tripod so that I can get an even point of shooting.
I am continuing to do a painting a day for the month of August- but I have decided to post them when they are a little bit more dry- so the color is settled and so that I can take a good photo of the work.  I do a lot of my painting at night- I think it's my optimal painting time when I am the most creative.  I am not sure what it is-but around 6-7 pm- I am in complete work mode... my ultimate artistic zen time.  haha like a painting ninja!  Maybe it something to do with all the years of me painting after work when I was trapped in the cubical grind.. Now maybe my body and subconscious are used to being creative at that time.  Do you have an optimal creative time? 
PS Painting is an oil painting- 8X8 for the Goodfoot group show- 88 strong.  If your interested in purchasing this work- shoot me an email erikaleesears@gmail.com and we can go over the details.


onesixthreechirp said...

Lovely drawing! :D

tinajo said...

Hey - this is cool! I did one animated gif once, now you reminded me that I should try it again! :-)

Shockgrubz said...

Gratz on the gif! My best time of creativity is early in the morning. I guess that's why I have intense dreams when I sleep in.

maximehmet said...

it's realy good

I admire your drawings

Unknown said...

that was fun to watch it evolve.

Blue Eyed Night Owl said...

Love the gif-action;) So cool to see the progress!
A tripod would help yeah, but it's still pretty clear this way too:)

Unknown said...

Awesome gif. I like it without the tripod, reminds me of music videos.

the southern hostess said...

So fun! I love this.

Unknown said...

I love it! It's fun to see how your paintings start and progress. :)

Gracey said...

lovely painting! :)

my creative time ticks in either 9 in the evening or 6 in the morning.

Katie said...

Love the gif! xo

Jo said...

Love this! great colours, great subject, wonderfully executed! :)

Mandy Crandell said...

Awesome! It looks great animated!


That's Ron said...

wow, that sweet!

Diego Sousa said...

the gif idea was really interesting, you should do it more, now that you know how =D

kristina@beancakes ❤ said...

this second piece of art gives a feeling of the city just waking up ~ so lovely your art is!! i find that with creativity ~ it comes at random ~ and leaves at random ~ it cannot be forced, so i just go with the flow! it can lay dormant for months at a time and then come on strong just at any given moment.
xo ~ kristina

The Dainty Dolls House said...

very cool, love it animated!! xx

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the animation because I get to look at the process! Beautiful.

seo company arizona said...

And also the shadings are perfect, lines looks straight.

Danielle said...

I love the animated gif! You should definitely do more!

Anonymous said...

Please stop it! You can't really be this super productive...you make me feel bad. And they're all nice paintings...can't you at least paint an ugly one? Please?

my day in a sentence said...

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I liked the first "draft" the best. When it's all brown. Minimalistic and perfect. :)
But the final outcome is good too. :)

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

The .gif is awesome, and the end product is so good, as usual!

Angela said...

Very cool!!

sherri lynn said...

This is awesome! I have no clue how to do an animated gif so I'm very impressed! And great painting :)

Angel said...

Nice painting, i like the step-by-step gif you made too!
Love seeing the process.

Patchie said...

I'm an evening person as well when it comes to creativity!

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Cool! Did you use Photoshop? I'd love to give that a try sometime. Great painting too :-)

Brandi said...

You are really a talented artist -- and I love the animated gif you made. It's really a great insight into the artistic process.

lamina @ do a bit said...

Love your little animated gif of your process... very very cool!!
I find I'm most creative at night too but now days I'm up at 5am with my little man...so early to bed for me! So now I have to be creative during the day... *sigh*.. it's just not the same :( I love the quietness of night time :)

lamina @ do a bit said...

Oh and love the painting too :)

Ta said...

Are you enjoying making something every day? I feel like its a nice habit to get into...and it seems to be getting easier as the days pass. It feels awesome.

Sonja said...

Oh that's pretty cool , I like seeing the process like that!
Wow did I read this right? A painting a day!? That's amazing!
Also haha, I loved your comment on my blog, so true it is a pretty "I am king of the world" photo isn't it. Heehee

karen marie said...

Something about this painting makes me feel nostalgic :) So cool.

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

so cool!

Kaylia Payne said...

Gorgeous!!! You are very very talented.

Jenn @ Live Love Life Now! said...

Remember me?! lol, I'm so happy to be back in blogging form and I'm so excited to see your new header...it came out awesome :)

And I love the animated .gif - it's so cutting edge, I'm very impressed!

My optimal creative time is also at night...even before the cubicle grind, I always worked better in the evening. I've never been a morning person though so I guess it makes sense :)

Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

This post is great! I'm a morning person, but since I started my blog in May and because I have a full-time job, I have to be creative in the evenings...

Thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog, which introduced me to yours!


anyaadores said...

WHAAAAT how awesome - wish I had a clever one that could teach me this, wowowowowow and the painting is gorgeous :)

CARRIE said...

This turned out great! I love how you can see the process with the gif.

Anonymous said...

That was awesome!

Kimia Kline said...

awesome little video! i think i like the 3rd image best, right before its finished.

sarah said...

so neat! gifs are hard :( and thank you for the book recommendation as well!

Wander.Lust said...

oooh i really like this!