DIY- Preppy time..

I wanted to do a little DIY on how to prep your surface for making a beautiful art project.  This can apply to lots of different types of mediums.  Why is it important to prep your surface before your amazing art project? because it seals the surface and prevents the medium from soaking into the surface and in turn you will use less of your medium.  
1.  Your surface for your dazzling artwork
2.  Paint Brush- not too big and not too small.  Something with a soft bristle- something that the hairs don't fall out.  Doesn't have to be fancy- it can be synthetic.
3.  Gesso- if you don't want to use Gesso you can use acrylic paint.
4.  A Cup
5.  Water to go in the cup.
6.  some sand paper- I use one of those square sand paper sponge like things- under $2 from the hardware store.

1.  Lightly sand your surface if it's not canvas.
2.  Put a little gesso on your surface.   Less is more! It's easier to add gesso then remove it.
3.  Dip your paint brush in water. This is so you can thin out gesso, which is important! You want to apply the gesso thin and even.
4.  Let it Dry.- which shouldn't take too long- maybe 20 minutes.
5.  Sand away!  It's important to sand because the paint can grip to the surface easier.
6.   Repeat steps 2-4 - 3 times.  Make sure that gesso is thin! and watered down.
 7.  Admire your hard work and give yourself a reward. Mine was a delicious latte.


tinajo said...

Thanks - good to know! :-)

onesixthreechirp said...

Great post! :D

Mandy Crandell said...

Gesso is a must! Great post!!/MandyCrandell

tinajo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Filed Under Bass said...

Ahh, this post just made me realise how much I really do miss picking up my paint brush (haven't done it in a good 2-3 years)its a sad state of affairs when reading a blog about prepping gets me all excited haha!

A wonderfully put tutorial at that, simple and clear instructions!

Unknown said...

This is a great DIY, especially for those who beginners and really know nothing about painting (i.e.: me! ha). I'm still at the acrylic level... >_<

Not Just A Pretty Dress said...

Never thought about preparing a surface for an art project, but this is a great post! And you never know, maybe one day I will feel 'artistic'...

Anonymous said...

great tips. Thanks! Always best to do everything yourself!

Unknown said...

LOVE it - thanks for the tip!@

*kiss kiss*
Erika~Tiptoe Butterfly~

coneforce said...

have fun painting!

Pippin Lane said...

Ohh great.......but what did your artwork look like???! Lovely blog....will just have a little wander around if I may....
Nattie x

Rebecca said...

OK, this is an awesome DIY. I am not a painter, but like to paint occasionally ... but I never understood how to apply Gesso properly! Thanks!!

stephanie said...

Nice! I always wondered about the prep of surfaces. That makes all kinds of sense.

Danielle said...

I've never done this before - good tip!

JW | PEONY said...

lattes are the best kind of rewards

Kristen said...

This is making me want to paint! I have a canvas to reclaim...maybe that will be my project this evening!

my day in a sentence said...

Wow, I never imagined there was prepainting job to be done here; good post! :)

sherri lynn said...

Great tips! I'd love to learn to paint one day so I'll keep this in mind!

maximehmet said...

if I have a day when I brush, I will not forget it:)

Adriana said...

This is great :) I got into painting a while ago, but I don't think I'm very good at it lol.

kaysie said...

oh man, you pull at my non artistic heartstrings. I guess i'll just have to live vicariously through your blog...

Anonymous said...

Lady, you make me want to go dig out my paint brushes! Perhaps I will embark on a paint adventure this weekend! :)

P.S. Eeep- that is such a cute pic of your pug! :)

Miss Kait said...

I can't wait for pumpkin spice lattes. Then I'll be rewarding myself for getting dressed every day ;)

Admin said...

So cool, I might do this!

Check out my math blog.

Benjamin Linus said...

thanks for the information, anything art oriented. guess what? im all over it. :]

Happy Little Trees Studio said...

LOL! Love the photos with your DIY! Your little assistants must be soooo much help!

Justin said...

woah didnt think about preping the area when doin something like this!

Jessica Weingarten said...

Adorable DIY...and dogs! :)

Huckleberry Creative said...

This is super helpful! And just in time as I'm getting ready to re-paint a dresser!

Simple Life Journey said...

Great tips!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the commenting on my blog!
have fun painting.
Love your blog^^

Anonymous said...

HOLLLEY COW YOUR GOOD AT PAINTING! I am amazing :] you have a real talent. Ya know? I always wanted to go into painting :]

Anywho i think we should Follow each other :]

Diego Sousa said...

the doggie is right! you're awesome! thanks for showing this tutorial =)

Unknown said...

heh, before reading this post I thought the process was get paper => splash color => done :P

Unknown said...

I love that the pugs were able to assist in this post.

Kat said...

i've always been curious how to use gesso. thank you!!!

Anya Z said...

Your pugs are SO SO cute! I love the word bubbles, hilarious! If only I could get my dog to help with my knitting...