Another typewriter :) part of my typewriter collection. This one I got for $4 dollars and my husband said after this one I was not allowed to bring home any more. This one came with a fancy carrying case.
8X8 oil on wood.
Information about the show:
The Big 100 is 100 artists doing 15 paintings each all for the set price of $50. Cash and Carry Show.
December 2-4th 4pm-2 am at the Goodfoot.
Lovely painting! You collect typewriters - how fab! The idea of tapping away and hearing the wonderful noise a typewriter makes, and the different feel of the keys, putting the paper in and pulling it out... such a lovely thought! I haven't used a typewriter in sooooo long, it'd be great to get on and have fun with it. I took typing classes at school and used to love it - I'm still pretty fast too!
Linda. x
i really like your typewriter series you have going. (and i think i have that typewriter in my attic...can't remember where I even got it! I think an old landlord let me have it.)
That is so lovely! :) x
Love the nostalgia effect. We had a typing class in high school where I first learned to type. Computers were already starting to come out but my school believed in the traditional typewriter - lol. We also had a couple of vintage ones at home in the old days.
I love typewriters. Especially when they come with a case. Mine used to have a black case, and of course a cat decided to make it a bed.
Thanks for your words about my uncle, me and the wet burrito really appreciate it.
Love this painting! I'm so inspired to find a typewriter now. :)
Thanks! I love typewriters too.. I may do a big painting one 1 or 2.. will see.
Tank you for sharing
my first comment didn't "go"...
anyway, love this painting!
This is so nice, Erika.
Absolutely love it, Erika! I've always wanted to paint some of my antiques, including my typewriter but haven't got to it.
Hope to see more!
These type writer pieces are my favorite of your work which I've seen thus-far! Painting is such a cool way to document a collection. Nice, nice, very nice.
The typewriter looks wonderful ... I adore the look, feel and sound of typewriters, and looking at your painting has reminded me of all three of those things! :)
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