We snuck out of town for the long weekend with the trees and the dogs with the goal of wanting and needing to recharge the batteries. Mission accomplished! I slept, ate cookies, watched movies, walked around barefoot in the grass, and of course painted. Well.. what I learned drinking cocktails and painting doesn't mix. I mostly doodled.. :)

Also we got a call that there was a black bear on the loose. My first question was- Do you stand still or do you run? Thank goodness, we never saw the bear.

I hope you enjoyed your Labor Day :).
Doesn't it feel like autumn just happened overnight? I'm ready, though. Summer was fun, but good riddance to 95-degree days. :)
Glad you had a great weekend! Love your little painting:) We had some nice fall weather over the weekend and I cannot wait for more! I LOVE fall!
I love fall too! I am not too excited for winter. :)
Greetings from Finland.I think it is hard to think that summer is over. But we have to wait new summer I think...you have beautiful photos and pictures. :)
no way. summer is not over for me. I will go to the lake and swim until christmas.
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