So here are some pictures from the artist a day that I just finished at the Muse Art and Design. I started out with an undertone of yellow Cad Medium and then spent the whole day painting quickly! The opening is on May 15th and there is really a mix of artists of a lot of different mediums and experience.
So this week I am back in my studio working on a painting that seems like it will never be finished. What's the old saying? Work is never truly done. I mean Leonardo carried the Mona Lisa around with him and worked on it until he died.
erika, I love seeing the progression. and this piece looks amazing in person. did you name it? I would have never guessed that the yellow undertone was so bright. It looks so soft and warm in the skyline.
I love you. Was kinda worried after seeing you on Saturday. You looked so sad and tired. In six months (I am talking code here) we are going to have a big fat party for you. Loves. Sara
Erika....I just checked out your art nouveau and I really like what you are doing. You definitely have captured those trees in fine detail in an exceptional way. The overall composition makes you want to get into that pickup truck and view all that is around you. Jana
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