I just got finished participating in the event 24 at the Pip Gallery. 24 artists doing 24 works of art in a 24 hour time period. It started at 11 am on Wednesday and went until the following day ending at 11 am. 2 large coffees and and about 4 energy drinks later- I made it until I finished all of my 24 paintings. Here I am too the right smiling as happy little clam :). This experience was completely challenging and interesting but worth all the blood sweat and tears.
Here is a list of the participating artists:
Nic Schaefer, Lynn Yarne, Brett Superstar, Angie Burr, John Larsen, Vicki Wilson, Johnna Wells, Erika Sears, Anna Todaro, Kendra Binney, Ben Pink, Michelle McKay, Katherine Langlands, Brett Bowers, Jackie Avery, Heidie Wirz, Jennifer Conshue, Alisha Wessler, Erin Patterson, Delphine Bedient, Cassie Neth, Ryan Dobrowski
The work is only up threw the weekend but it's quite amazing.

1 comment
One of My Two Comments For The Day:
he he he...
the 24 hour show sounds like a fun happening.
I enjoy how whimsical and pleasant your paintings are.
good meeting you yesterday, and I look forward to seeing your pieces at the show!
tear it up,
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